Eastern Art Meets Western Science

My techniques are products of a unique combination – growing up in a family of generations of chiropractors in Malaysia and receiving formal training and certification in America.

Eastern Art

I hail from a family of generations of Tui-Nai and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioners in Southeast Asia. Their desire to help people heal in a natural way was instilled in me at an early age, and I am proficient in Eastern techniques. My father's insights about treatment of muscular sprains and strains inspired me a lot.

My father is also able to relieve pains from mishaps like dislocations – when a bone slips out of a joint. Or even fractures, without the use of screws or implants.

My father's legacy is changing the lives of thousands of people – by making their pain go away. 

Western Science

After moving to the US, I was trained in the latest techniques at the ASHA School of Massage in Georgia. After aditional training for my broader massage therapist exam and license, I was intrigued by the medical specialties and decided to pursue more training in orthopedic and oncology massage, as well as soft tissue fascial and pain relief techniques.

Now, after 8 years of chiropractic clinical experience in my home state of Georgia, USA , I'm trained and have diplomas (certificates) in a number of medical massage and therapy areas. I specialize in getting rid of knee pain.


"Gabriella took time to understand where my pain was …"

"I have been twice so far and will continue to visit East-West Pain Relief. Gabriella took time to understand where my pain was and then proceeded to give a very effective massage. I have been in pain virtually 24/7 since January of this year and the massages are helping with that pain. I highly recommend Gabi as a professional and effective masseuse."

– Barbara L.