Hopes and vision – illustrated

One morning in 2013, a lady walked into my doctor's treatment room. Her lower right leg and ankle looked puffy, and she walked with the help of a cane. This lady was a  regular client; I had just started as a massage therapist at this clinic.

I asked her if she was OK? She said yes, and that she was there for regular follow-up spine adjustment. I couldn't resist asking her about her leg and ankle. She told me that she had sprained her ankle many years ago.

I then asked her if she had seen a doctor back then? Her response was that it was more than 20 years ago, when she was about sixty years old, and that she had seen another chiropractor.

Following my doctor's assignment and the the code of practice and ethics, I proceded to work on the lady's spine that day.

"It is what it is" … or is it?

This lady thought of her case, 20+ years old, as something that was utterly hopeless.

I have never forgotten her. I felt so sad for her, she never got the right treatment. She shouldn’t be forced to walk this way for the rest of her life.

The right treatment early, followed by good maintainance, matter.

This experience reinforced my belief and commitment always to do my best for my patients and clients.

Without proper treatment and rehabilitation, a chronic or untreated severe sprain can weaken your ankle, making it more likely that you will injure it again. Repeated ankle sprains can lead to long-term problems, including chronic ankle pain, arthritis, and instability.

When I continued my research and training for my broader message therapist exam and license, I was intrigued by medical specialties and decided to pursue oncology and orthopedics.


The chiropractors' chosen medical therapist

5 years after the episode with the lady's leg/ankle, and after much stidying and specialization, my chiropractor boss came to me to tell me that he was getting much feedback from his patients that I am good at treating knee issues.

And not only that, but that he would bring his only daughter to see me for treatment.

That makes it all worthwhile.


Specializing in treatment of the soft tissue components related to Muscular and Joint Pain – as well as Chronic pain 

Combines Western science with the traditional Eastern arts of the pain relief for your total well-being

  • Ankle and Knee Pain and Stiffness
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tendinitis 

"Gabriella took time to understand where my pain was …"

"I have been twice so far and will continue to visit East-West Pain Relief. Gabriella took time to understand where my pain was and then proceeded to give a very effective massage. I have been in pain virtually 24/7 since January of this year and the massages are helping with that pain. I highly recommend Gabi as a professional and effective masseuse."

– Barbara L.